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Ayurvedic Wellness

PAAVANI "The Cleanser and Mask Ritual Kit" which contains a glass dropper style jar of floral water, a bamboo bowl and spoon for mixing, and a jar of Pitta Cleanser and Mask powdered mix.

Ayurvedic skin care draws from ancient Indian wisdom to promote radiant and healthy skin. It involves using natural ingredients, tailored to one's dosha type, to cleanse, moisturize, and rejuvenate the skin, while also emphasizing inner balance through diet, mindfulness, and stress reduction for a holistic approach to skin wellness.


Ayurvedic holistic healing products encompass a range of natural remedies and formulations that align with the principles of Ayurveda. These products are carefully crafted to support holistic well-being by addressing imbalances in the doshas, promoting skin health, boosting immunity, and fostering balance in both body and mind.

Five various size glass bottles containing PAAVANI Ayurvedic wellness products, one of each: ear oil, balancing body oil, nasal oil drops, oil pulling oil, and floral water.
A man's hand holding a jar of PAAVANI TRIPHALA digestive tonic herbal supplement with a ceramic mug in view.

Ayurvedic herbal teas and tonics are thoughtfully blended mixtures of herbs, spices, and botanicals, designed to promote balance and vitality according to Ayurvedic principles. These beverages cater to different dosha types, offering a harmonizing experience that supports digestion, boosts energy, and enhances overall well-being through the therapeutic properties of natural ingredients.

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